From 29 September to 2 October 2015, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) organized the Tenth General Assembly of the Climate Limited-area Modelling Community at its Belvaux premises. Within the context of CLM 2015, a conference was organized, open to the public, entitled “The past, present and future of regional climate modelling”, led by Prof. Dr. Filippo Giorgi, founder of regional climate modelling.
Each year, the CLM Assembly brings together international scientists who develop and apply the “COSMO model in CLimate Mode” (COSMO-CLM) computer model in order to simulate climate on a regional level. In general, one of the aims of the CLM community is to collectively assess new components of the model, make decisions relating to the development of the model and further the community’s structures. The annual Assembly is the community’s most important decision-making meeting.
What is COSMO? It is an atmospheric model applied by different European meteorological centres to forecast the weather. More precisely, COSMO is the operational non-hydrostatic meteorological forecasting model applied and developed by the national meteorological services linked to the COSMO consortium (Consortium for Small scale MOdelling).
During the busy four-day programme, LIST was represented by Dr. Andrew Ferrone, member of the CLM community. The members present were informed of the model’s current state of development and its applications. They also participated in a discussion forum and debate on the modelling tool and modelling results.
CLM 2015 marked the official end of a project carried out by the community. The project comprised a detailed assessment of a new version of COSMO-CLM based on a total of 70 simulations. For this exercise, LIST had contributed around ten simulations.
During the Assembly, and on the basis of this project, the new version of COSMO-CLM (5.0) was adopted as the CLM community’s reference version for simulations with a 12km resolution. It was decided to launch a similar assessment of this new version of COSMO-CLM for a 3km resolution, which will be coordinated by LIST.
As stated above, the conference, “The past, present and future of regional climate modelling” took place on 1 October and was hosted by renowned physicist Prof. Dr. Filippo Giorgi, who presented a panorama of regional modelling to participants.
Prof. Giorgi is currently head of the Earth System Physics section of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Italy and is particularly well-known for his contributions in the area of climate modelling. He is one of the most quoted scientists in the area of geosciences. From 2002 to 2008, Prof. Giorgi was one of the vice-presidents of Working Group 1 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
During the conference, he gave an overview of the history of regional modelling, before showing a series of examples in which he demonstrated that regional modelling gives added value in relation to global modelling. Finally, he elaborated on the challenges of tomorrow.
Discussions were animated and yielded much information. The next Assembly will take place in 2016 in Lüneburg, Germany.
>> Discover Andrew Ferrone's interview on on 01/10/15: CLM Community meeting
>> For further information on the project and its results, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Ferrone via email.
>> For more information on the conference, please see :
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