Technologies for the digitisation of craftsmen

Published on 01/02/2018

The team from the brand new « eHandwierk » division at the Luxembourg Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts was met on Wednesday 24 January 2018 by LIST researchers specialised in the development of innovative technologies in the field of human-centred computing. Specifically dedicated to digitisation in the skilled trades industry and launched at the end of 2017, "eHandwierk" is aimed at offering guidance and concrete orientation to companies via digital developments. The dedicated team at the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts came to discover the digital technological solutions being developed at LIST as well as their potential uses for business activities in the craft trades.

Tried and tested digital technological solutions

The delegation was able to discover the "Cognitive Environment Lab" at LIST and the technological solutions it offers such as:

  • the tangible table used, among other things, in the SUCCESS and Re-Engage projects intended respectively for studying and improving the efficiency of urban freight logistics for the construction sector and seeking to curb school dropout thanks to innovative teaching methods;
  • the multi-touch table supporting collaborative management processes, used in the 4Dcollab project, intended to evolve towards innovative collaborative construction practices through novel interaction techniques with 4D/BIM models;
  • augmented and virtual reality tools which offer genuine added-value in the management of customer relations and even in collaborative design; 
  • 3D printing and other digital manufacturing techniques as part of an educational programme for use of these technological solutions and digital upskilling via the open-source TAO skills assessment platform, and the team's technological innovations on this topic.

The Kniwwelino micro-controller, that allows 6-year-old kids or older to develop playful applications in the thematic of IoT (Internet of Things) and for which LIST recently signed an operating licence with Electronic-Shop, was also presented to the delegation.

A channel for further collaboration

The Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts and LIST have, in the past, worked hand-in-hand to raise greater awareness among craftsmen of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This meeting further consolidates the partnership between the two entities and lays the foundations for future collaboration.

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