On 29-30 November 2017, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) participated in ERTRAC-EGVIA #H2020RTR Conference organized in Brussels (BE) by the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) and the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) with the support of the European Commission.
#H2020RTR is the 1st European-wide conference that showcases the results of selected Horizon 2020 funded projects on road transport related areas (Green Vehicles, Road, Mobility for Growth: Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems ...).
Various technological challenges were covered in order to highlight the contribution of ongoing EU-funded research projects to meet EU policy goals. It was a unique opportunity to get an overview of results from H2020 funded projects and in this context, on day 1, Francesco FERRERO, Lead Partnership Officer in Mobility, Logistics and Smart Cities within our "IT for Innovative Services" (ITIS) department, was invited to present the “Sustainable Urban Consolidation CentrES for construction” (SUCCESS) project to the audience.
SUCCESS is a European research project coordinated by LIST that unites institutions and businesses around a shared challenge, that of improving the transport of building materials and its impact on cities. In other words, the project aims to improve the efficiency and reduce negative impacts of the construction supply chain by exploring and testing reliable and innovative solutions based on the analysis of data collected in four real and diverse construction projects in the Neudorf district in Luxembourg City, in Paris, Valencia and Verona.
The SUCCESS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 633338.
In his presentation Francesco presented some very promising preliminary results, such as the potential for reducing the daily trips of freight vehicles by 55% and the total distance travelled by them in urban areas by 60%.
LIST’s researchers involved in SUCCESS developed several web tools to allow construction companies, transport companies and authorities to evaluate the benefits of several optimisation measures on their future construction projects. They also adapted the tangible table developed within our institute in order to develop an evidence-based collaborative decision making environment for improving urban freight transport. The tool can be applied to any kind of supply chain, not only to those related with construction.
With SUCCESS, there is a potential long-term impact in the way that clear, unbiased scientific knowledge on the viability of consolidation centres and dozens of other optimisation strategies (e.g. limitations on size, class, mode, delivery windows etc.) can lead to larger adoption of those strategies, with benefits for the affected urban areas.
>> More info about SUCCESS on list.lu or contact Francesco via email.