traiNing on Agriculture and posthaRvest fruit and vegetables through sustainable best prActices

Past project


Nowadays, it is really challenging for young workers in agriculture or agro food professional entrepreneur (SME) from a European country who want to develop an economic farming activity. In this context, their need is to increase skills and knowledge to improve their competences when their goal is to make their business more competitive and sustainable. They also work on the development of new agro food business to increase wealth and enterprise development in horticulture sector or to specialize in agro food business to develop more competitive enterprises. NARA can help them complete their goal.


NARA is a European project that addresses the development a training course for young farmers from the horticulture sector. The objective is to improve their professionalization in Europe through the analysis of training needs in six key areas for this sector (food security; technologies postharvest; commercialization and logistic; Soil, water and byproducts; Packaging; Entrepreneurship) and to develop a transnational analysis, and comparative diagnosis of the training needs and offer.

At this stage, the project team can define six learning units, comparing the existing needs in the national qualifications systems of each participating country. The next step is to work on the development of the training units through the creation of an online platform with open access to all interested parties. In this way, the final step is to get the official validation of this training for agriculture in different European countries. The e-learning platform will provide materials that will improve several facets of farming activity of young agriculture workers.


At the end of NARA, LIST and its project partners aim at encouraging the development new business initiatives (agro-business) and employment (youth, unemployed and women) in rural areas and also at supporting the development of young people and the establishment of population in rural areas. The overall estimated impact of this work is to improve the conditions of farmers in the Food Chain. This will be possible when improving the skills and professionalism of European farmers and agricultural structures. At a more global scale, this will open new doors to export opportunities and new markets.


Erasmus + call "Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practice": This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. NARA is an Erasmus+ KA2 project (2014 - 2016).

Research domains
  • IT

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

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