A museum app to trigger users' reection 


K. Kontiza, O. Loboda, L. Deladiennee, S. Castagnos, and Y. Naudet


CEUR Workshop on Mobile Access to Cultural Heritage Proceedings, vol. 2176, 2018


This paper introduces a mobile museum guide that has been designed for the National Gallery in London with the special goal of triggering reection of the visitor. We also present the results obtained from a first experiment. The underlying postulate is that visitors are more prone to reection and more interested by the collection in a museum if they can discover it through other facets than those highlighted solely in the museum, and if this discovery is personalised for each of them. The smart guide includes means to personalise a visit by modelling the user preferences and behaviour, and builds recommendations for stories or groups of paintings based on the user profile and reective topics.

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