Effects of the chirp rate on single-shot coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering


Suzuki S., Gerakis A., Hara K.


Physical Review A, vol. 110, n° 3, art. no. 033519, 2024


Single-shot coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering (CRBS) is modeled using direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC). In CRBS, an optical lattice generated by the interference of two pump lasers traps the neutral particles via the dipole force. The gradient of refractive index due to the trapped particles of the gaseous media leads to coherent scattering of a probe beam, resulting in the CRBS signal. Additionally, using a chirped laser beam, CRBS signals can be obtained in a single laser shot, shortening the measurement time of the gas flow (on the order of 100 ns). The DSMC results of single-shot CRBS assuming Maxwellian velocity distribution functions (VDFs) show good agreement with experimental data, including argon, carbon dioxide, and xenon, for different gas pressures. One of the key observations obtained from the present simulations is that the CRBS signals become asymmetric when using a fast chirp rate due to finite time for collisionless trapping and collisional thermalization.



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