Real-Time Cosimulation of Power Systems: Integration of eMEGASIM and ePHASORSIM Using OPAL-RT Simulators
Del Rivero D., Singh S., Garcia P., Rodriguez P.
2024 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2024, 2024
This article presents a real-time cosimulation between two OPAL-RT simulators, utilizing the eMEGAsim system for simulations in the time domain and the ePHASORsim system for simulations in the phasor domain. It focuses on simulating a distributed Virtual Synchronous Generator control system with real power converters connected to a power system, facilitated by the interface through a high-speed DOLPHIN communication cable. The control system and interface configuration for cosimulation are detailed, along with the results obtained from the simulations. This real-time cosimulation approach provides an effective tool for the analysis and development of control systems in power environments.