Health/Med Tech


High-resolution chemical imaging for biomedical application

Identifying and localizing articles, drugs or biomarkers in field samples or biological model systems is an important topic in biomedical research. The opportunity to correlate tissue/cell (ultra)structure to corresponding chemical maps of the introduced materials allows to understand their intracellular fate and underlying physiological/molecular processes.
However, while smaller targets would require better lateral resolution of the chemical mapping, the lower signal from smaller voxels will oftentimes lead to inaccessibility of certain markers in cells and tissues. In this regard, the use of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) can be a powerful technique due to its high sensitivity and dynamic range and the fact that individual isotopes can be identified, and determine the actions of agents such as:

  • Nanoparticles or nanocarriers administered to model systems during nanotoxicological or pharmacological exposure scenarios
  • Antibodies with metallic labels for correlative cytometric, light and electron microscopical analyses
  • Biomarkers, isotopically labelled drugs or molecules

In this context, the LIST Advanced Instrumentation for Nanoanalytics group develops multimodal focused-ion-beam-based imaging platforms (FIB-SIMS) giving access to correlative investigation by directly linking SIMS with other analytical/imaging signals on the same instrument (e.g. secondary electrons (SE), back-scattered electrons (BSE), micrographs of the transmitted ion/electron beam (STIM, STEM)  [1-3].  A dedicated cryo-FIB-SIMS platform operational at RT and under cryogenic conditions (down to < 145°C) facilitates the analysis of beam-sensitive samples and frozen-hydrated specimen including so called cryo-lamella prepared from cells or tissues [4].
[1] Wirtz et al., Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 12 (2019) 523-543
[2] Audinot et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 84 (2021) 105901
[3] De Castro et al., Anal. Chem 94 (2022) 10754
[4] De Castro et al., Anal. Chem. 93 (2021) 14417–14424

ElectroPep (Next-generation ELECTROchemical PEPtide microarrays for high-throughput protein screening)

ElectroPep is the first peptide-protein screening platform based on scalable semiconductor technology enabling fast-delivering reliable high-density peptides arrays with label free sensing. ElectroPep is able to run in parallel the synthesis of thousands of different peptide sequences on top of addressable Field Effect Transistor sensors. Thanks to this technology, it can precisely quantify the peptide-protein interactions with a lot of sensitivity and in a reliable way since the sensors provide also quality control during the programming of the peptide sequences in each sensor.
In summary, the distinct value proposition of our technology is to provide:

  • Reliable high-density screening of peptide sequences.
  • Protein binding quantification.
  • Unbeatable price and time to results.

Our technology in development aims to an immediate entry market improving the traditional peptide microarray applications, but with a long term objective to irrupt also in personalized medicines enabling applications such as patient specific cancer vaccines and monitoring.

Visit the website here.

NanoSES (Nanosensors for surface enhanced spectroscopy)

NANOSENS represents a set of enabling technologies for molecular sensing that is widely applicable for biology, environment, security, agriculture, food & beverage sectors. This includes miniaturized sensors to detect analytes, discovery of material parameters for accelerated R&D of biological interfaces, and tools to engineer material surfaces at the molecular level. These technologies bring unprecedented opportunities to control or interrogate material’s interaction with its environment. They further promise low-cost, scalable tools to deliver material interfaces engineered for end-user determined outcomes.


  • SES technology that enables sensing molecules at ultrahigh sensitivity of one or multiple markers, with quick response times, using miniaturized, hand-held devices.
  • Nano-QCM technology that enables design of biologically relevant materials, giving critical inputs to ‘engineer’ at the molecular level. This would enable accelerating R&D efforts, through quicker discovery of parameters that make biodevices/biointerfaces successful in any given context.
  • Nano-Molds that would allow creating nanostructures to engineer sensor surfaces at the molecular level, by replicating nanoscale stamps, or molds in a process akin to waffle making. 

Antimicrobial sponge

LIST holistic solution for antimicrobial uses is a polyvinyl alcohol, a biobased cross-linker and an antimicrobial agent-loaded nano-lignin hydrogel scaffold.
With these components, LIST has developed an antimicrobial sponge with high adsorption capabilities (percentage of swelling in water is 1000%), and antimicrobial properties. In addition is a biodegradable material.

We envision possible applications such using the sponge to remove exudate in post-surgical cases, wound dressing and 3D scaffold for cell cultures. Our technology is flexible so we can tune it to special cases.

Drug delivery systems

In LIST, we can provide biobased drug delivery systems based on lignin, chitosan, boric acid and calcium carbonate for applications such as antimicrobial or antioxidant coatings, materials with anti-inflammatory properties or increasing tissue regeneration.

We can also embed these drug delivery systems in to oily or water formulations, into scaffolds or into coatings for healthcare and cosmetic applications.

We develop the tools to produce and up-scale these materials and devices based on colloidal engineering, continuous flow processes, wet stirred media milling, spray drying and spray coating.

BioIMPACT (Biological Innovations for Managing Peri-implantitis with plasma Anti-biofilm Coating Technology)

BioIMPAC provides anti-biofilm properties to supra-implant dental structures (where peri-implantitis starts) as a solution to prevent or to manage and heal peri-implantitis.

Analytical imaging capabilities:

LIST provides also unique analytical imaging capabilities to study biological samples:

  •  Atmospheric Pressure Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization coupled to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (targeted and untargeted molecular imaging for biological tissue sections, imaging of lipids, metabolites, drugs)
  • Elemental and isotopic imaging by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (isotopically enriched drug detection in tissue/cells by NanoSIMS,
  • Immunohistochemistry imaging by mass spectrometry
  • Multimodal imaging based on MS and non-MS detection (Immunofluorescence, FISH, electron microscopy)
  • Statistical data evaluation and image fusion
  • New instrumentation for molecular imaging

Our technologies already contribute to research in dermatology, biomarker discovery, inflammatory diseases, toxicology, DMPK.

Materials-enabled digital technology

LIST also develops devices that can be used in the health sector such as:

  • Autonomous wireless sensors for IoT
  • Human-to-Machine Interface (HMI)
  • Sustainable Electronics for IoT

H2020 Harmonic project

In order to reduce the radiation dose to the pediatric patient, LIST  helps interventional cardiologists to prepare difficult cases: With Computer Vision (all AI based nowadays) we prepare personalized 3D reconstructions and the clinical experts can examine the patient data then better, including the visualisation in Mixed Reality (using a Microsoft Hololens, for example). That helps to reduce doses, as experts are more familiar with the anatomy and do not take the wrong stents, for example.
Visit the website here.

HealthyW8 project: Empowering healthy lifestyle behaviour through personalised intervention portfolios to prevent and control obesity during vulnerable stages of life.

This project, coordinated by LIH, aims at developing a digital-based healthy lifestyle recommender for which LIST will contribute at 3 levels:

  • the coordination of the co-creation process to specify new features in the meal recommender for better personalisation and recommendations for the overweight prevention,
  • the management of their implementation,
  • the contribution to a Human Digital Twin with a focus on exploring and modelling relationships between eating behaviour, personality traits and emotions

Visit the website here.

ARIANE  project : Multilayer Network Visualization  for COVID Contact tracing

We developed a Multilayer network visualization tool to support contact tracing by epidemiologists.

This demo shows a synthetic set 300,000 individuals, approximately 10% of which are covid positive cases. A multilayer graph structure is built and analysed for components of related cases where transmission between cases may have occurred in a specific time frame.

Acting Now FNR project:  Supply Chain for the Medical Sector

More information on the project can be found here.

Videos illustrating control tower features for the early identification of distress in logistics networks and essential supply chains:

REACH project

A project carried out in collaboration with the environment unit at LIT to develop a platform to help manage the risk associated with toxic products.

More information can be found here.

Environmental Health

More information can be found here.


More information can be found here.


More information can be found here.

Waste water monitoring

More information can be found here.

AXA chemicals – a tool for scoping and prioritization for chemicals risk assessment

Unleash the power of data-driven risk assessment with the AXA Chemicals tool. This innovative tool simplifies the often-complex process of scoping and prioritizing chemicals for risk evaluation.  AXA Chemicals integrates information from numerous chemical databases, creating a centralized hub for researchers, regulators, and product developers.  Visualize intricate datasets with ease, allowing you to identify potential hazards and make informed decisions throughout the chemical lifecycle.  The interface empowers non-technical experts to query the software using natural language, fostering collaboration and early detection of potential risks.

PHOENIX (A H2020 project that LIST coordinates)

The aim of PHONIEX is to develop a Single Entry Point to provide pre-clinical services to the nano-pharmaceutical sector.


Invitrolize is a LIST spin-off commercializing services based on the LIST’s technology ALIsens, which is an in vitro cellular model for inhalation toxicology.

Visit the website here.


LIST has developed Papyrus, an AI-based visualization software to explore large collections of texts. While the technology can apply to any textual data, it has been specially adapted to facilitate the literature review process and support the following functionalities:

  • Explore a large scientific corpus quickly and define efficiently key concepts under research;
  • Identify areas within a topic that are most relevant and quantify the related literature available;
  • Formulate optimal research questions leading to a focused but comprehensive literature search;
  • Screen titles/abstracts and full-texts efficiently and transparently.

Development of sensor for the detection of human and animal viruses.

In the current context of global change, virus appears to circulate more, eventually creating epidemics or pandemics. As a result, there is a pressing need to have portable, point-of-use sensors that give inform very rapidly about the presence of pathogenic viruses. Aptasensors are very promising in this context. They are biosensors that use aptamers—short, single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules—as recognition elements to detect specific targets such as proteins, small molecules, or cells. They are highly specific, sensitive, and can be used in various applications, including diagnostics and environmental monitoring.
Our team is defining aptamer sequences for the detection of human pathogens such as adenoviruses. A patent is granted on this subject. The ongoing FNR project
APTAVIR is targeting other important viruses: noroviruses, rotaviruses, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E viruses, among others.

Support in validating antimicrobial compounds that preserve health

The progression of antimicrobial resistance is nowadays highly impacting human health. There is areal silence pandemic going on worldwide. There is a need to seach for other antimicrobial solutions for our indoor environment, medical devices and infrastructure, agro-food industry  as well as environment at large. We have developed a platform for co-developing and testing new antimicrobial molecules, materials or processes together with private partners. A major achievement was the production of surgical masks with grafted antimicrobials that has be co-developed with the Luxembourgish company Molecular Plasma Group during the COVID-19 years. The current scope of activity ranges from surface disinfection to coating of dental prosthesis or new material for fabrics to be used in space habitat. A test bench for decontamination of air conditioning network is under development and will be ready by the end of 2024.

Probiotics for indoor environment and domestic applications

There has been a progression in the sales of bacteria-based cleaning products during the last years. Many questions are arising concerning the voluntary introduction of “beneficiary” bacteria in our homes and work places. Our team accompanies these companies in evaluating the performance and safety of their product. For a sector that is not clearly regulated on the legal side, our team has provided an easy risk assessment procedure that allows to test existing products as well as products that the companies are co-developing with LIST.

Digital decision tools for ensuring safety of water resources and monitor human pathogens in water

Water resources are under a growing pressure worldwide. Microbial pathogens are often the cause of outbreaks that threaten human and animal health. In order to mitigate and management water quality crisis, our team is supporting drinking water producers in developing and implementing chains of sensors-data analysis-data visualization-decision support in Luxembourg. An international working group on this topic has been kicked off by us in order to keep pace with technological innovation in this field. In a more global perspective, these sensor-based chains can served to inform on the pathogens circulating in our environment and the risk of emergence of pandemics. Our team has set a open-access dashboard for visualizing wastewater-based surveillance of viruses in Luxembourg. The MicrObs platform will be officially launched in November.




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Feiza Nassima BENZAGHOU
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