The 5th edition of Luxembourg Earth Observation and integrated Applications Day, which was set to take place on April 30 this year at the Domaine Thermal in Mondorf-les-Bains, has officially been postponed in light of the current coronavirus pandemic.
We will propose a new date once the situation has improved and we will come back to you.
The conference intends to increase the awareness among users and service providers within the Grande Région of the potential that space technologies offer in the domain of environmental monitoring and management. Private companies and research organizations from the Grande Région are also given the opportunity to present their activities in related fields.
This year's conference will address the current and future status of space applications with a particular focus on the potential of artificial intelligence for developing innovative space applications. The successful integration of satellite, airborne, UAV-drones and field data together with global navigation satellite systems and satellite-based communication systems will be a second priority domain.
In the morning session a keynote speaker will address the potential of artificial intelligence for developing innovative space applications, followed by presentations on ESA and Copernicus Earth observation programs, as well as on key-enabling Luxembourgish infrastructures to bring the sector forward (HPC, EO data center, data analytics and visualization). In the afternoon sessions, invited speakers will provide insight on recent advances in remote sensing research and innovation in the following thematic sessions:
Crisis management
Biodiversity and land management
Transport and logistics
Networking sessions will give participants the opportunity to present their activities in the space sector in the form of a poster or a booth.
08.00 - 9.00 Registration and welcome coffee
09.00 - 9.15 - Welcome address from LIST
Prof. Dr Lucien HOFFMANN, Director of Environmental Research and Innovation Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
09.15 - 09.30 - Welcome address from Ministry of Economy/Luxembourg Space Agency (tbc)
09.30 - 10.15 - Keynote: Pierre-Philippe Mathieu (ESA) : “The Rise of AI4EO”
10.15 - 11.00 Coffee break + posters
11.00 - 11.15 Andreea Monnat (FNR): “Collaborative impact-driven funding schemes for space and beyond”
11.15 - 11.30 Giovanni Corato (adwaisEO): “LSA Data Center: challenges and opportunities when providing fast access to Sentinel data”
11.30 - 11.45 Mohammad Ghoniem (LIST): “The potential of a visualization wall for EO”
11.45 - 12.00 Pascal Bouvry (Université du Luxembourg) et Roger Lampach (LuxConnect): “MeluXina, the Luxembourg Supercomputer”
12.00 - 12.30 Gordon Campbell (ESA): “ESA FutureEO programme”
12.30 -13.30 Lunch + networking/posters
Critical infrastructure & Disaster management
14.00 - 14.30 - Lara Prades (World Food programme): “Geospatial information for disaster management”
14.30 - 14.45 - Benjamin Hourte (Earthlab): “Deep Learning explainability and remote sensing applications”
14.45 - 15.00 Marco Chini (LIST): “Artificial Intelligence for detecting buildings using remote sensing data”
Food security
15.00 - 15.15 Gerd Eiden (Luxspace): “ From Catch to Plate: Sustainable fishery through transparency – How EO data can add value”
15.15 - 15.30: xxx (Skyflox): “xxxx”
15.30 -16.00 - Coffee break + networking/posters
16.00 - 16.15 Yunjin Kim (Hydrosat): “XXX”
16.15 - 16.30 Stephanie Bonnet (Spacebel): “EOR! : A platform of EO services for forestry and natural resource monitoring”
16.30 - 16.45 Rebecca Retzlaff (University of Trier): “Use of drones for disease detection in vineyards”
Biodiversity and nature conservation:
16.45 - 17.15 Keynote: Pierre Defourny (Université catholique de Louvain): “EO for biodiversity”
17.15 - 17.30 Farid Meinköhn (Cybercultus): “Use of Earth observation data for ecotourism and protection of natural parcs” (15)
17.30 Closing reception
A poster session on the thematic of the event will be organised in parallel of the conference.
If you are interested, please submit your poster title on
Date: To be determined
Language: English
Duration: 1 day
Venue: Mondorf Parc Hotel | Bâtiment Al Thermen | Avenue des Bains | L-5601 Mondorf-les-Bains
Registration: free -
Director of Environmental Research and Innovation department
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