From 13-15 October 2019, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), in partnership with the University of Luxembourg and the University of Saskatchewan, will organize an invitation-only workshop "Hillslope Hydrology: Past, Present and Future" at the Belval Innovation Campus.
Hillslope hydrologists have worked tirelessly in the field for 60 years. And these efforts have uncovered many of the processes and mechanisms that inform out understanding of rainfall-runoff processes. But with the widespread availability of models, hillslope knowledge is be relegated to the annals of history.
Therefore, this commentary seeks to summarize the axioms of hillslope behaviour that any functioning model should include, make a case for why field work is still essential and identify the 5 most pressing questions for new hillslope process understanding.
The main objectives of this workshop are:
Arrival through the day at Ibis Hotel and other area hotels, dinner on your own.
19.00 - Welcome reception (with free beer and snacks) at Coyote Bar, Belval (11, avenue du Swing - Belval)
Main meeting room (3.540 Maison du Savoir - 3rd floor)
8.30 - Registration and welcome coffee
9.00 - Welcome
Laurent Pfister and Jeff McDonnell, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
9.15-10.15 - Workshop Lecture: Hypothesis testing and model invalidation for hillslope hydrology - Keith Beven
10.15-10.45 - Coffee and pastries
10.45-12.15 - Short talks: Session 1 (these will be 5 min, back-to-back talks) - Former PhD students and Post Docs (alphabetic order for now)
Chair: Kevin McGuire
12.15-13.15 - Group photo and lunch (networking with LIST Phd students and early career researchers)
Main meeting room
13.15-14.30 - Short talks: Session 2 (these will be 5 min, back-to-back talks) - Former PhD students and Post Docs
Chair: Scott Jasechko
14.30-15.45 Breakout group discussion I
Chaired by Ilja van Meerveld
(First, few minutes in Main meeting room. Then reserved discussion in Library.)
The goal of this discussion: what we know; what we deem essential to communicate it to modellers
(Workshop participants will break into 4 groups—this part for workshop speakers only)
15.45-16.00 - Coffee break (Main meeting room)
Main meeting room
16.00-16.30 - Reports back by the 4 groups (5-min each) and the Large Group discussion
17.00 - Exercise and relaxation time
19.00 - Workshop Dinner for Invited Participants
The Seven Hotel. Am Park SA | 50 Parc Gaalgebierg | L-4142 Esch-sur-Alzette | +352 540228
8.30 - Registration and welcome coffee
9.00-9.15 - Welcome re-cap, Jeff McDonnell
9.15-10.30 - Short talks Session 3 (these will be 5 min, back-to-back talks)
10.30-11.00 - Coffee break
11.00-12.00 - Breakout discussion II
Chaired by Jan Seibert
"What don't we know? What do we need to know? What are the most important and fundamental questions we have in hillslope hydrology - this session is simply to list and discuss as many as possible"
12.00-12.30 - Reports back and Large group discussion
12.30-13.30 - Lunch
13.30-14.00 - Moderated Large Group discussion in main meeting room
14.00-15.00 - Breakout Session III
Chaired by Markus Weiler
(First few minutes in main meeting room. Then reserved discussion rooms TBA to discuss and finalize in meeting rooms 114 and 210 - Maison de l'Innovation LIST)
"Hillslope Hydrology’s ~10 most important unanswered questions (motivated by the IAHS 23 Unanswered Questions activity)"
15.00-15.30 - Coffee break
15.30-16.00 - Reports back and large group discussion
16.00 - Wrap-up discussion, next step plans for commentary and workshop closing
16.15 - Adjourn
In partnership with
Supported by
Venue: University of Luxembourg | Maison du Savoir - 2, avenue de l'Université | L-4365 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE
Date: 13-15 October 2019
Language: English
Registration: free but registration is required by June 30, 2019
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel: +352 275 888 - 1
Fax: +352 275 885