The intermediate workshop of the FNR INTER project ECHO (Chance-constrained optimization approach to transmission system security), a collaboration between LIST and Technical University of Ilmenau, has two goals:
The project ECHO project focuses on the security-constrained (or contingency-constrained) optimal power flow (SCOPF), and aims improving the decision-making for day-ahead planning of power system operation, i.e. to ensure a cost effective and reliable power system scheduling for every hour of the next day.
Power systems are facing increasingly uncertain operation conditions, due to growing amounts of fluctuating renewable generation. The deterministic version of SCOPF, which fits only the most likely forecasted scenario, is not anymore suitable since it may lead to either poorly sub-optimal or unreliable/risky operating conditions. To overcome this limitation, the ECHO project will develop a new SCOPF approach which manages the uncertainty via chance constrained optimization that enforces the set of constraints to satisfy a user-defined probability level. To this end, we resort to the inner-outer approximation method, which is a new theoretical advancement in the area of chance constrained optimization.
09:00 - Welcome of the participants
09:30 - Introduction to the workshop and ECHO project
Dr. Florin Capitanescu, LIST
09:45 - Short presentation of the LIST activities in sustainable energy
Dr. André Madureira, LIST
Transmission grid security: today practice and future vision
10:00 - Managing operation security: operators’ view
Dr. David Bekaert, CORESO EU
10:30 - ECHO project progress and approach to security management in day-ahead
Dr. Mohammad Iman Alizadeh, LIST
11:00 - Coffee break
11:20 - The role of HVDC and flexibility to maintain power system security
Prof. Hakan Ergun, KUL
11:50 - Italian blackout: anatomy, lessons learnt and steps forward
Prof. Alberto Berizzi, PoliMi
12:20 - Further Q&A
12:40 - Lunch break
13:30 - Dynamic models in cascading simulation for security evaluation
Prof. Robin Preece, UoM
Chance constrained optimization and its value for security management
14:00 - Chance-constrained optimization for bidding: The example of Nordic ancillary service markets
Prof. Jalal Kazempour, DTU
14:30 - ECHO project progress in chance constrained optimization via the inner-outer approximation algorithm
Dr. Keerthi Chacko, TUI
15:00 - Optimization under rare events: scaling laws for linear chance-constrained programs
Prof. Bert Zwart,TUE
15:30 - Further discussion and closure
Date: 7 October 2024
Schedule: 09:00 - 15:30
Venue: LIST, 41 rue du Brill L-4022 BELVAUX