LIST participation in the European Workshop on DRLs in Paediatric Imaging


The European Workshop on DRLs in Paediatric Imaging is to be held on October 15-17, 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. As an active member of the consortium of PiDRL – European Diagnostic Reference Levels for Paediatric Imaging, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) invites you to get informed on this project and workshop

About the project

PiDRL is a 27-month tender project funded by the European Commission : its aim, in general,  is to contribute to the use of Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) to further enhance the radiation protection of children. More info on the project.

About the workshop

The aims of the PiDRL Workshop are to present and discuss the project’s results, submit the draft European Guidelines for comments and critical review by a larger audience and identify the needs for further action on DRLs and optimisation of radiation protection of paediatric patients.

The workshop is aimed at key stakeholders in paediatric imaging. In particular, the workshop will bring together radiologists, radiographers and medical physicists by giving them a forum to participate actively in discussions.

The call for oral and poster presentation is open:

  • Topic: Patient Doses from Paediatric Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures – Establishment and Use of Paediatric DRLs
  • Submission period: 15 January to 30 April 2015
  • Authors are requested to write an original abstract that has not been previously published elsewhere. The PiDRL Workshop Programme Committee reserves the right to assign abstracts that are not selected for an oral presentation to a poster presentation. Submit an abstract.

>> Visit the dedicated Website to get all information : or directly see the PDF presentation flyer.

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 Andreas JAHNEN M.Sc.
Andreas JAHNEN M.Sc.
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