Jorge Sanz aborde l'Analyse de données à la Philharmonie

Publié le 06/02/2018

Le 31 janvier 2018, le Professeur Dr Jorge Sanz, principal expert du LIST en analyse de données et technologies règlementaires, a participé en tant que premier conférencier à la conférence intitulée « Êtes-vous prêt pour l'ère du Big Data ? », organisée par la Banque Edmond de Rothschild à la Philharmonie Luxembourg.

The conference was met with great interest and gathered around 300 professionals from companies and institutions across a large array of sectors. As guest speaker, Prof. Sanz gave deep insights into the world of data and its potential for the development of Luxembourg, whether in the financial industry, the economic world or the daily life of ordinary citizens.

Prof. Dr. Sanz’s presentation “Leading from Luxembourg: how to drive value from a Big Data” started with the current data ecosystem in and around the country and put into perspective that data per-se does not provide any decisions and that sheer data volume does not necessarily lead to any value creation either. The road ahead calls for massive investment in education and training as data literacy and flexibility in the evolution of workers’ skillset are key elements for societies to continue profiting from the onset of technological change.

Discussions with Prof. Sanz and other LIST representatives went on during the walking dinner that was held courtesy of Bank Edmond de Rothschild in the magnificent lobby of the Philharmonie.

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