Perséphone project presented to Francine Closener at "Journées portes ouvertes"

Publié le 25/09/2017

On Saturday 16 September 2017 LIST participated at the 2017 edition of the event  "Journées portes ouvertes" as a partner of Naturgas Kielen to present its project Perséphone "Production of Renewable Energies, Fertilizers and Harmonious Products of Natural Origins".

Secretary of State of the Economy, Secretary of State of Internal Security, Secretary of State of Defence, Francine Closener was among the people who visited the event. Dr Philippe Delfosse from the Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) Department presented to her LIST’s circular economy project Perséphone.

The main objective of the Perséphone project is to position biomethanisation in the bioeconomy and the circular economy. Persephone has the will to bring new added value to the existing agricultural units in order to sustain them by 2020-2030. Future units will also be able to integrate these new data into their business plan.

This event allows the public to discover LIST’s research towards the ambition of contributing to a better quality of life in Luxembourg. For more information, visit the event website or Perséphone project page.


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