R&D activities in Belgium and Luxembourg - Expertise sharing with GRD Network

Publié le 20/03/2019

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) has welcomed a delegation from the GRD Network (Groupe Recherche et Développement) in Belvaux on 13 March 2019.

LIST has been an active member of the GRD network, the network to make Belgium a better place for a public and private R&D, for several years now. Since 1965, this industry club, animated by the Louvain School of Management, gathers the managers of leading public and private organisations engaged in R&D activities in Belgium and Luxembourg. Its members meet once a month to share their experience and discuss R&D-related issues and best practices during a half-day workshop.

Within the research departments of LIST, the researchers and innovation experts address industry and societal challenges and deliver unique solutions and concepts that present sustainable competitive advantages for both companies and public services. Collaborative work with the members of the GRD network is part of their everyday life. In this context, a team from LIST's Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) research department has organised this meeting dedicated to the theme of responsible innovation in the spotlight of the "Green Tech Center", a pathway to support industry in the sustainable transition towards circular economy.

LIST CEO Thomas Kallstenius has introduced the institute and Luxinnovation CEO Sacha Baillie made a presentation of the local research and innovation landscape and the investments of the Government realised in the South of Luxembourg. Then Prof Lucien Hoffmann and Dr Enrico Benetto presented the concept of "Green Tech Center" before handing over to the Cockerill Maintenance and Engineering (CMI) and PM International AG executives (two of LIST industry partners) who testified of the pragmatism and the value of collaborating with LIST. The workshop has ended with a short site and infrastructures visit and a standing lunch that have been an opportunity for the researchers to exchange with top representatives of Belgium industries.

> See the photo album of the GRD Network at LIST at photogallery.list.lu

Contact Bruno Cornette via email for any further information on this topic.

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