The LIST Water Lectures series was launched in January and covers various aspects of water resources research towards a sustainable river basin management.
It will aggregate a group of outstanding experts and scientists in water resources research and related fields. The lectures are based around three thematic pillars:
- Catchments as highly complex systems that exhibit a large spatio-temporal diversity of processes and feed-back mechanisms;
- Under global change hydrological systems become non-stationary systems, which challenges process research, modelling approaches, and management of water resources in terms of quality and quantity;
- Emerging modelling frameworks and concepts for improving hydrological forecasts and predictions under changing boundary conditions.
Eventually, the lecture series should bring scientists, stakeholders, local administration and practitioners from the water sector together and create a framework of exchange in water related topics in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.
Prof. David Hannah, Director of Research at College of Life and Environmental Sciences, and Holder of the UNESCO Chair for Water Science at the University of Birmingham visited the Catchment and Eco-hydrology Group (CAT) and the Water Unit in this framework. Prof. Hannah is collaborating with the CAT group for several European funded projects.
Prof. Hannah stayed for three days and presented his research during a seminar: “Water in a changing environment: too much, too little, too hot?”. He presented his work about the influence of hydrological processes on ecosystems and how changing hydrological processes impact species richness and distributions. Furthermore, he presented work on UK scale stream temperature work and current restoration practices from Scotland.
All in all, a very successful and enriching visit. The next seminar within the Water Lecture series will be at 14.03.2017 at 15.00 by Prof. J.J. McDonnell from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette