Assessing hypertemporal SENTINEL-1 COHERENCE maps for LAND COVER monitoring


F. Vicente-Guijalba, J. Duro, C. Notarnicola, A. Jacob, R. Sonnenschein, J.J. Mallorquí, C. López-Martínez, D. Ziólkowski, A. Hoscilo, K. Dabrowska-Zielinska, Z. Bochenek, E. Pottier, M. Lavalle, J.M. Lopez-Sanchez, and M. Engdahl


in 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), Brugge, Belgium, 27-29 June, 2017 


This paper presents the main concepts and the initial analysis of the ESA SEOM project SInCohMap “EXPLOITATION OF SENTINEL-1 INTERFEROMETRIC COHERENCE FOR LAND COVER AND VEGETATION MAPPING”. The project evaluates the performance of using the interferometric coherence of S-1 time series for land cover and vegetation mapping. One of the main objectives of the project is to quantify the impact in using S-1 InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) data relative to traditional land cover and vegetation mapping using optical data (especially Sentinel-2, hereafter named S-2) or SAR-based (Synthetic Aperture Radar) approaches. In this framework, a Round-Robin consultation is used to assess the performances of the different classification methodologies.



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