Assessment of Sentinel-1-Estimated Sea Surface Convective wind Gusts with in-situ wind Measurements


La T.V., Pelich R.M., Chini M., Li Y., Matgen P., Messager C.


International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), vol. 2023-July, pp. 841-844, 2023


Previous references indicated that surface wind gusts associated with deep convection can be observed and estimated from Sentinel-1 images. They also presented the relationship between surface wind patterns and deep convective clouds observed on Meteosat geostationary (GEO) images. To strengthen this relationship, this paper presents the comparison between surface wind speed retrieved from Sentinel-1 data, wind magnitude measured by the weather stations, and deep convective clouds observed on GOES-16 GEO images over the Gulf of Mexico. The results show that a mesoscale surface wind pattern (a squall line) observed on Sentinel-1 images corresponds to deep convective cloud locations. In particular, the peaks of wind intensity measured by the weather stations match the Sentinel-1 wind gusts and the deep convective clouds.



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