F-Interop platform and tools: Validating IoT implementations faster


M.R. Palattella, F. Sismondi, T. Chang, L. Baron, M. Vučinić, P. Modernell, X. Vilajosana, and T. Watteyne


Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 11104 LNCS, pp. 332-343, 2018


F-Interop allows implementors of IoT protocols to test compliance and interoperability of their implementation by connecting to a remote server in the cloud which contains and runs testing tools for different IoT standards. This paper provides an overview of the F-Interop Platform and the tools. Nowadays testing tools for CoAP, 6TiSCH, OSCORE and LoRaWAN standards are already available. The F-Interop project, which has started as a H2020 project funded by the European Commission, is now supported by a large community of standard development organizations, small/large companies, academic institutions, and protocol designers and implementors. They all see the benefits of adopting the new Interoperability approach proposed by F-Interop, which allows to validate IoT implementation faster, reducing time to market, and standardization.



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