Exploring opportunities of tabletop interfaces for promoting and analysing collaboration


H. Afkari, V. Maquil, and D. Anastasiou


4th European Tangible Interaction Studio,Virtual, Siena, Italy, 16-20 November 2020, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2801, 2020


Shared interfaces such as multi-touch tables and tangible tabletop interfaces were found to mediate and support collaboration. With this work, we present an interactive tabletop mediated environment called Orbitia, which induces participants' face-to-face collaboration in the context of a joint problem solving activity. We discuss how interactive tabletops can elicit users in applying and progressively refining their collaboration strategies. This workshop aims to provide opportunities for learning about the design details and rationale behind different features and elements of such applications. Participants, after knowing about the fundamental aspects of collaboration in such context, will develop and reflect their ideas through crafting and prototyping. They will further learn how to test and evaluate the data collected in the context of tabletop mediated joint problem-solving activities.

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