Proposal for a French adaptation and first validations of the Computer System Usability Questionnaire (F-CSUQ)
Gronier G., Johannsen L.
33e Conference Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine: Interaction Humain and IA, IHM 2022 - Actes de la Conference, art. no. 11, 2022
The measurement of the usability of computer systems is based on a set of methods, including the use of questionnaires. While there are many questionnaires in English, few exist or have been adapted into French. This article proposes a translation of the Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ), developed within IBM and validated in the 1990s. This 19-item scale is particularly well suited to the evaluation of expert systems, especially internal systems in companies. It measures three dimensions of usability: usefulness, quality of textual information, and quality of the interface. This proposal for a French translation of the CSUQ (named F-CSUQ) was carried out by a committee of three bilingual experts. The first psychometric validations show a very good internal consistency, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.960. This shows that all the F-CSUQ items converge towards the same concept. However, the principal component analysis (PCA) does not allow the original structure, composed of the 3 dimensions, to be recovered. Only a smaller version of the F-CSUQ, with 13 items and proposed in this article, respects the three-dimensional structure. These results nevertheless converge with those obtained by other translations of the CSUQ.