Assessing the Effect of Scaling High-Aspect-Ratio ISFET with Physical Model Interface for Nano-Biosensing Application
Dhar R., Kumar N., Pascual Garcia C., Georgiev V.
Solid-State Electronics, vol. 195, art. no. 108374, 2022
In this paper, technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations of ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) are implemented using a physical model interface (PMI). Our simulations are based on a combination of analytical and numerical methods which are combined in a single simulation framework. ISFETs with different Si channel widths, such as 10nm, 40nm and 50nm have been simulated for this work. Our results reveal a correlation between the device dimensions and ISFET sensitivity (α). Also, the variations of H+ ions, OH- ions and surface potential (Ψ0) with respect to distance from the electrolyte/oxide interface are analyzed