On the coupling of data-driven computing and model-driven computing with CUF-based beam models


Hui Y., Giunta G., Liu X., Zheng J., Yang J., Huang W., Carrera E.


Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 195, art. no. 111394, 2024


In this article, Model-driven (MD) computing and Data-driven (DD) computing mechanics are coupled under the framework of Carrera's Unified Formulation (CUF) for beam structures A DD CUF-based computing is applied for the sub-domains of the beam under investigation where the material constitutive models are challenging to be obtained, whereas a MD CUF-based computing is used to deal with the remaining sub-domains where a constitutive model is available. By using CUF, under the premise of sufficient accuracy, the computational cost of DD-MD CUF-based models could be reduced compared with DD-MD FEM models where solid elements are used. Several static cases are analysed to demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of the proposed DD-MD CUF-based model by comparing the obtained results with those from the finite element commercial software tools.



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