Poly(lactic acid)-based materials for automotive applications


A. Bouzouita, D. Notta-Cuvier, J.-M. Raquez, F. Lauro, and P. Dubois


in Advances in Polymer Science, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 1-43, 2017


As a result of increasingly stringent environmental regulations being imposed on the automotive sector, ecofriendly alternative solutions are being sought through the use of next-generation bioplastics and biocomposites as novel vehicle components. Thanks to its renewability, low cost, high strength, and rigidity, poly(lactic acid), PLLA, is considered a key material for such applications. Nevertheless, to compete with traditional petroleum-sourced plastics some of the properties of PLLA must be improved to fulfill the requirements of the automotive industry, such as heat resistance, mechanical performance (especially in terms of ductility and impact toughness), and durability. This review focuses on the properties required for plastics used in the automotive industry and discusses recent breakthroughs regarding PLLA and PLLA-based materials in this field.



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