TiO2- and ZnO-based materials for photocatalysis: Material properties, device architecture and emerging concepts


O. M. Ishchenko, V. Rogé, G. Lamblin, and D. Lenoble


in Semiconductor photocatalysis - materials, mechanisms and applications, C. Wenbin (Ed.), InTech, 2016


Numerous kinds of photocatalysts such as oxide-, nitride- or sulfide-based semiconductors, conducting polymers or graphene oxide–based materials have emerged since the discovery of water splitting on TiO2 electrodes in 1972. Yet, metal-oxides are still largely the main family of materials promoted into photocatalytic applications.

In this chapter, we focus on the application of supported nanostructures of metal oxides, principally TiO2 and ZnO, for the heterogeneous photocatalysis. We emphasize the benefits of increasing the specific surface area by using the direct growth of metal-oxide nanostructures onto porous templates. Among the numerous strategies to improve the photocatalytic activity, we detail the fabrication of semiconductor metal-oxide heterostructures promoting the charge separation under UV irradiation. We also describe how the use of plasmonic nanostructures allows the shifting of the light absorption in the visible range. Finally, we give an overview on the new strategies to increase the photocatalytic activity with new architectures and materials based on metal-oxides.

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