Towards multi-point thermodynamic flow characterization using single shot coherent Rayleigh Brillouin scattering.


Kumar A., Karatodorov S., Alfaro G.F., Gerakis A.


AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023, 2023


We report on the progress towards employing the single-shot coherent Rayleigh Brillouin Scattering (CRBS) diagnostic technique to perform measurements of gas flow thermodynamic properties simultaneously at two adjacent spatial locations in an underexpanded flow from a nozzle. We demonstrate that single-shot CRBS can measure temperature, flow velocity and density at more than one location at close proximity to a barrel shock in real-time and in situ, in a single laser shot of ∼ 200 ns. The gas translational temperature can be obtained by comparing the lineshape of the signal beam with the established Tenti S7 theoretical model, while the velocity is estimated from the Doppler shift observed on the CRBS lineshape relative to the lineshape in quiescent air. Finally, the pressure can be estimated from the signal intensity at the measured temperature and pressure in the interaction region. The results of such an experimental technique can provide with high resolution spatial (order of 100’s of μm) thermodynamic characterization of flow fields at various conditions while validating developed theoretical and simulation models.



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