A Polymer-Derived Co(Fe)Ox Oxygen Evolution Catalyst Benefiting from the Oxidative Dehydrogenative Coupling of Cobalt Porphyrins
Cardenas-Morcoso D., Bansal D., Heiderscheid M., Audinot J.N., Guillot J., Boscher N.D.
ACS Catalysis, vol. 13, n° 22, pp. 15182-15193, 2023
Thin films of cobalt porphyrin conjugated polymers bearing different substituents are prepared by oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) and investigated as heterogeneous electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Interestingly, the electrocatalytic activity originates from polymer-derived, highly transparent Co(Fe)Ox species formed under operational alkaline conditions. Structural, compositional, electrical, and electrochemical characterizations reveal that the newly formed active catalyst greatly benefited from both the polymeric conformation of the porphyrin-based thin film and the inclusion of the iron-based species originating from the oCVD reaction. High-resolution mass spectrometry analyses combined with density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed that a close relationship exists between the porphyrin substituent, the extension of the π-conjugated system cobalt porphyrin conjugated polymer, and the dynamics of the polymer conversion leading to catalytically active Co(Fe)Ox species. This work evidences the precatalytic role of cobalt porphyrin conjugated polymers and uncovers the benefit of extended π-conjugation of the molecular matrix and iron inclusion on the formation and performance of the true active catalyst.