Lunar regolith for plasma spray coatings


Kadok J., Bulou S., Gaulain T., Choquet P.


Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 490, art. no. 131111, 2024


On the threshold of the first human residences on the Moon, a key requirement for early colonists will be to become rapidly self-sufficient, as the transportation of supplies and materials will be limited. ISRU (In Situ Resources Utilisation) focuses on this particular aspect and proposes the use of lunar regolith as a possible solution. In this study, we consider using this prime resource to manufacture thick coatings using the plasma spray technique. A lunar regolith simulant was successfully deposited on steel substrates and was found to form very adhering coatings, exhibiting similar properties and chemistry to the raw material, that is, mare basalts. This kind of newly formed coating could play various shielding roles, such as those of a thermal barrier or radiation shield.



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