The Role of the Intraspecific Variability of Hydraulic Traits for Modeling the Plant Water Use in Different European Forest Ecosystems


Jiménez-Rodríguez C.D., Sulis M., Schymanski S.


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 16, n° 3, art. no. e2022MS003494, 2024


The drought resilience of forest ecosystems is generally believed to depend on the dominant tree species' hydraulic traits. These traits define the maximum water transport capacity and the degree of vulnerability to hydraulic failure of a tree species. This work evaluates the effect of the intraspecific variability of hydraulic traits on the simulated tree water use in the Community Land Model (CLM, version 5.0). We selected two contrasting broadleaved tree species and performed a series of numerical experiments by modifying the parameters of the plant vulnerability curve and the maximum xylem hydraulic conductance accounting for the variability within each species. Our prescribed parameter sets represent vulnerable and resistant tree responses to the water deficit. At sites with an ample water supply, the resistant configuration simulates reduced water stress and increased transpiration compared to the vulnerable configuration. Meanwhile, the model results are counter-intuitive at temporarily dry sites when water availability is the limiting factor. The numerical experiments demonstrate the emergent role of the maximum xylem conductance as a modulator of the plant water use strategy and the simulated transpiration within the model. Using the default value for maximum xylem conductance, the model tends to overestimate the early summer transpiration at drier sites, forcing the vegetation to experience unrealistic water stress later in the year. Our findings suggest that the parameterization of maximum xylem conductance is an important yet unresolved problem in the CLM and similar land surface models.



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