Toward Nano-Specific In Silico NAMs: How to Adjust Nano-QSAR to the Recent Advancements of Nanotoxicology?


Ciura K., Moschini E., Stępnik M., Serchi T., Gutleb A., Jarzyńska K., Jagiello K., Puzyn T.


Small, vol. 20, n° 6, art. no. 2305581, 2024


The rapid development of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) causes humans to become increasingly exposed to them. Therefore, a better understanding of the health impact of ENMs is highly demanded. Considering the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) principle, in vitro and computational methods are excellent alternatives for testing on animals. Among computational methods, nano-quantitative structure-activity relationship (nano-QSAR), which links the physicochemical and structural properties of EMNs with biological activities, is one of the leading method. The nature of toxicological experiments has evolved over the last decades; currently, one experiment can provide thousands of measurements of the organism's functioning at the molecular level. At the same time, the capacity of the in vitro systems to mimic the human organism is also improving significantly. Hence, the authors would like to discuss whether the nano-QSAR approach follows modern toxicological studies and takes full advantage of the opportunities offered by modern toxicological platforms. Challenges and possibilities for improving data integration are underlined narratively, including the need for a consensus built between the in vitro and the QSAR domains.



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