Data is a vital component for many applications. In this context, LIST's Data Intensive Systems research group (DAISY) aims to cover all aspects allowing information flows to be transformed into valuable inputs for targeted applications. Big, linked, open and social data sources, complemented with the Internet of Things (IoT) provide the information ground for impact driven innovation. This innovation capacity is based on 3 complementary pillars:
Smart Cities with a focus on Smart Mobility, is currently the main area of application of the group. Its researchers focus on:
Well-being and the silver economy are also another strong area of interest to researchers.
• SENSA: Sustainable, Environmental & Safe tourism in protected areas
• Stimulate: Sustainable E² Mobility Services for Elderly People
• MAESTRO: Constructing a reference framework for self-monitoring devices dedicated to seniors
• MEDIATE: Collaborative and interMEdiating solution for managing Daily Activities for The Elderly at home
• Be-Good: Building an Ecosystem to Generate Opportunities in Open Data
• SWAM: Smart Waste Collection systems
• 5G-MOBIX: 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors
• eCoBus: Electrified Cooperative Bus systems
• MUV: Mobility Urban Values